class documentation

Kinetics is a collection of large-scale, high-quality datasets of URL links of up to 650,000 video clips that cover 400/600/700 human action classes, depending on the dataset version. The videos include human-object interactions such as playing instruments, as well as human-human interactions such as shaking hands and hugging. Each action class has at least 400/600/700 video clips. Each clip is human annotated with a single action class and lasts around 10 seconds.

This version contains videos and action classifications for the 700 class version of the dataset that was updated with new videos in 2020. This dataset is a superset of Kinetics 700.

This dataset supports partial downloads:

  • You can specify subsets of data to download via the classes and max_samples parameters

See :ref:`this page <dataset-zoo-kinetics-700-2020>` for more information about partial downloads of this dataset.

Original split stats:

  • Train split: 542,352 videos
  • Test split: 67,433 videos
  • Validation split: 34,125 videos

CVDF split stats:

  • Train split: 534,073 videos
  • Test split: 64,260 videos
  • Validation split: 33,914 videos

Example usage:

import fiftyone as fo
import fiftyone.zoo as foz

# Load 10 random samples from the validation split
# Only the required videos will be downloaded (if necessary).

dataset = foz.load_zoo_dataset(

session = fo.launch_app(dataset)

# Load 10 samples from the validation split that
# contain the actions "springboard diving" and "surfing water"
# Videos that contain all `classes` will be prioritized first, followed
# by videos that contain at least one of the required `classes`. If
# there are not enough videos matching `classes` in the split to meet
# `max_samples`, only the available videos will be loaded.
# Videos will only be downloaded if necessary
# Subsequent partial loads of the validation split will never require
# downloading any videos

dataset = foz.load_zoo_dataset(
    classes=["springboard diving", "surfing water"],

session.dataset = dataset

Dataset size

  • Train split: 603 GB
  • Test split: 59 GB
  • Validation split: 48 GB
classesa string or list of strings specifying required classes to load. If provided, only samples containing at least one instance of a specified class will be loaded
num_workersa suggested number of threads to use when downloading individual images
shufflewhether to randomly shuffle the order in which samples are chosen for partial downloads
seeda random seed to use when shuffling
max_samplesa maximum number of samples to load per split. If classes are also specified, only up to the number of samples that contain at least one specified class will be loaded. By default, all matching samples are loaded
Method __init__ Undocumented
Instance Variable classes Undocumented
Instance Variable max_samples Undocumented
Instance Variable num_workers Undocumented
Instance Variable seed Undocumented
Instance Variable shuffle Undocumented
Property name The name of the dataset.
Property supported_splits A tuple of supported splits for the dataset, or None if the dataset does not have splits.
Property supports_partial_downloads Whether the dataset supports downloading partial subsets of its splits.
Property tags A tuple of tags for the dataset.
Method _download_and_prepare Internal implementation of downloading the dataset and preparing it for use in the given directory.

Inherited from ZooDataset (via FiftyOneDataset):

Static Method get_info_path Returns the path to the ZooDatasetInfo for the dataset.
Static Method has_info Determines whether the directory contains ZooDatasetInfo.
Static Method load_info Loads the ZooDatasetInfo from the given dataset directory.
Method download_and_prepare Downloads the dataset and prepares it for use.
Method get_split_dir Returns the directory for the given split of the dataset.
Method has_split Whether the dataset has the given split.
Method has_tag Whether the dataset has the given tag.
Property has_patches Whether the dataset has patches that may need to be applied to already downloaded files.
Property has_splits Whether the dataset has splits.
Property has_tags Whether the dataset has tags.
Property importer_kwargs A dict of default kwargs to pass to this dataset's
Property is_remote Whether the dataset is remotely-sourced.
Property parameters An optional dict of parameters describing the configuration of the zoo dataset when it was downloaded.
Property requires_manual_download Whether this dataset requires some files to be manually downloaded by the user before the dataset can be loaded.
Method _get_splits_to_download Undocumented
Method _is_dataset_ready Undocumented
Method _is_split_ready Undocumented
Method _patch_if_necessary Internal method called when an already downloaded dataset may need to be patched.
def __init__(self, classes=None, num_workers=None, shuffle=None, seed=None, max_samples=None): (source)



max_samples: None = (source)


num_workers: None = (source)




The name of the dataset.

supported_splits = (source)

A tuple of supported splits for the dataset, or None if the dataset does not have splits.

supports_partial_downloads = (source)

Whether the dataset supports downloading partial subsets of its splits.

A tuple of tags for the dataset.

def _download_and_prepare(self, dataset_dir, scratch_dir, split): (source)

Internal implementation of downloading the dataset and preparing it for use in the given directory.

dataset_dirthe directory in which to construct the dataset. If a split is provided, this is the directory for the split
scratch_dira scratch directory to use to download and prepare any required intermediate files
splitthe split to download, or None if the dataset does not have splits
tuple of
  • dataset_type: the fiftyone.types.Dataset type of the dataset
  • num_samples: the number of samples in the split. For datasets that support partial downloads, this can be None, which indicates that all content was already downloaded
  • classes: an optional list of class label strings