class documentation

Places is a scene recognition dataset of 10 million images comprising ~400 unique scene categories.

The images are labeled with scene semantic categories, comprising a large and diverse list of the types of environments encountered in the world.

Full split stats:

  • Train split: 1,803,460 images, with between 3,068 and 5,000 per category
  • Test split: 328,500 images, with 900 images per category
  • Validation split: 36,500 images, with 100 images per category

Example usage:

import fiftyone as fo
import fiftyone.zoo as foz

dataset = foz.load_zoo_dataset("places", split="validation")

session = fo.launch_app(dataset)
Dataset size
29 GB
Property name The name of the dataset.
Property supported_splits A tuple of supported splits for the dataset, or None if the dataset does not have splits.
Property supports_partial_downloads Whether the dataset supports downloading partial subsets of its splits.
Property tags A tuple of tags for the dataset.
Method _download_and_prepare Internal implementation of downloading the dataset and preparing it for use in the given directory.
Method _get_raw_dir Undocumented

Inherited from ZooDataset (via FiftyOneDataset):

Static Method get_info_path Returns the path to the ZooDatasetInfo for the dataset.
Static Method has_info Determines whether the directory contains ZooDatasetInfo.
Static Method load_info Loads the ZooDatasetInfo from the given dataset directory.
Method download_and_prepare Downloads the dataset and prepares it for use.
Method get_split_dir Returns the directory for the given split of the dataset.
Method has_split Whether the dataset has the given split.
Method has_tag Whether the dataset has the given tag.
Property has_patches Whether the dataset has patches that may need to be applied to already downloaded files.
Property has_splits Whether the dataset has splits.
Property has_tags Whether the dataset has tags.
Property importer_kwargs A dict of default kwargs to pass to this dataset's
Property is_remote Whether the dataset is remotely-sourced.
Property parameters An optional dict of parameters describing the configuration of the zoo dataset when it was downloaded.
Property requires_manual_download Whether this dataset requires some files to be manually downloaded by the user before the dataset can be loaded.
Method _get_splits_to_download Undocumented
Method _is_dataset_ready Undocumented
Method _is_split_ready Undocumented
Method _patch_if_necessary Internal method called when an already downloaded dataset may need to be patched.

The name of the dataset.

supported_splits = (source)

A tuple of supported splits for the dataset, or None if the dataset does not have splits.

supports_partial_downloads = (source)

Whether the dataset supports downloading partial subsets of its splits.

A tuple of tags for the dataset.

def _download_and_prepare(self, dataset_dir, _, split): (source)

Internal implementation of downloading the dataset and preparing it for use in the given directory.

dataset_dirthe directory in which to construct the dataset. If a split is provided, this is the directory for the split
splitthe split to download, or None if the dataset does not have splits
scratch_dira scratch directory to use to download and prepare any required intermediate files
tuple of
  • dataset_type: the fiftyone.types.Dataset type of the dataset
  • num_samples: the number of samples in the split. For datasets that support partial downloads, this can be None, which indicates that all content was already downloaded
  • classes: an optional list of class label strings
def _get_raw_dir(self, dataset_dir): (source)
