class documentation

Class for configuring CVATBackend instances.

namethe name of the backend
label_schemaa dictionary containing the description of label fields, classes and attribute to annotate
media_fieldstring field name containing the paths to media files on disk to upload
urlthe url of the CVAT server
usernamethe CVAT username
emailthe CVAT email
passwordthe CVAT password
headersan optional dict of headers to add to all CVAT API requests
task_sizean optional maximum number of images to upload per task. Videos are always uploaded one per task
segment_sizemaximum number of images per job. Not applicable to videos
image_qualityan int in [0, 100] determining the image quality to upload to CVAT
use_cachewhether to use a cache when uploading data. Using a cache reduces task creation time as data will be processed on-the-fly and stored in the cache when requested
use_zip_chunkswhen annotating videos, whether to upload video frames in smaller chunks. Setting this option to False may result in reduced video quality in CVAT due to size limitations on ZIP files that can be uploaded to CVAT
chunk_sizethe number of frames to upload per ZIP chunk
task_assigneethe username(s) to which the task(s) were assigned. This argument can be a list of usernames when annotating videos as each video is uploaded to a separate task
job_assigneesa list of usernames to which jobs were assigned
job_reviewersa list of usernames to which job reviews were assigned. Only available in CVAT v1 servers
project_namean optional project name to which to upload the created CVAT task. If a project with this name is found, it will be used, otherwise a new project with this name is created. By default, no project is used
project_idan optional ID of an existing CVAT project to which to upload the annotation tasks. By default, no project is used
task_namean optional task name to use for the created CVAT task
occluded_attran optional attribute name containing existing occluded values and/or in which to store downloaded occluded values for all objects in the annotation run
group_id_attran optional attribute name containing existing group ids and/or in which to store downloaded group ids for all objects in the annotation run
issue_trackerURL(s) of an issue tracker to link to the created task(s). This argument can be a list of URLs when annotating videos or when using task_size and generating multiple tasks
organizationthe name of the organization to use when sending requests to CVAT

nonnegative integer(s) defining the first frame of videos to upload when creating video tasks. Supported values are:

  • integer: the first frame to upload for each video
  • list: a list of first frame integers corresponding to videos in the given samples
  • dict: a dictionary mapping sample filepaths to first frame integers to use for the corresponding videos

nonnegative integer(s) defining the last frame of videos to upload when creating video tasks. Supported values are:

  • integer: the last frame to upload for each video
  • list: a list of last frame integers corresponding to videos in the given samples
  • dict: a dictionary mapping sample filepaths to last frame integers to use for the corresponding videos

positive integer(s) defining which frames to sample when creating video tasks. Supported values are:

  • integer: the frame step to apply to each video task
  • list: a list of frame step integers corresponding to videos in the given samples
  • dict: a dictionary mapping sample filepaths to frame step integers to use for the corresponding videos

Note that this argument cannot be provided when uploading existing tracks

Method __init__ Undocumented
Method email.setter Undocumented
Method headers.setter Undocumented
Method load_credentials Loads any necessary credentials from the given keyword arguments or the relevant FiftyOne config.
Method password.setter Undocumented
Method username.setter Undocumented
Instance Variable chunk_size Undocumented
Instance Variable frame_start Undocumented
Instance Variable frame_step Undocumented
Instance Variable frame_stop Undocumented
Instance Variable group_id_attr Undocumented
Instance Variable image_quality Undocumented
Instance Variable issue_tracker Undocumented
Instance Variable job_assignees Undocumented
Instance Variable job_reviewers Undocumented
Instance Variable occluded_attr Undocumented
Instance Variable organization Undocumented
Instance Variable project_id Undocumented
Instance Variable project_name Undocumented
Instance Variable segment_size Undocumented
Instance Variable task_assignee Undocumented
Instance Variable task_name Undocumented
Instance Variable task_size Undocumented
Instance Variable url Undocumented
Instance Variable use_cache Undocumented
Instance Variable use_zip_chunks Undocumented
Property email Undocumented
Property headers Undocumented
Property password Undocumented
Property username Undocumented
Instance Variable _email Undocumented
Instance Variable _headers Undocumented
Instance Variable _password Undocumented
Instance Variable _username Undocumented

Inherited from AnnotationBackendConfig:

Method serialize Undocumented
Instance Variable label_schema Undocumented
Instance Variable name Undocumented
Property method The name of the annotation backend.
Method _load_parameters Undocumented
Method _sanitize_label_schema Undocumented

Inherited from AnnotationMethodConfig (via AnnotationBackendConfig):

Property type The type of run.

Inherited from BaseRunConfig (via AnnotationBackendConfig, AnnotationMethodConfig):

Class Method from_dict Constructs a BaseRunConfig from a serialized JSON dict representation of it.
Static Method base_config_cls Returns the config class for the given run type.
Method attributes Returns the list of class attributes that will be serialized by serialize.
Method build Builds the BaseRun instance associated with this config.
Property cls The fully-qualified name of this BaseRunConfig class.
Property run_cls The BaseRun class associated with this config.
Class Method _virtual_attributes A list of attributes that are serialized but should not be treated as parameters when loading the config class from the database.

Inherited from Config (via AnnotationBackendConfig, AnnotationMethodConfig, BaseRunConfig):

Method __repr__ Undocumented
def __init__(self, name, label_schema, media_field='filepath', url=None, username=None, email=None, password=None, headers=None, task_size=None, segment_size=None, image_quality=75, use_cache=True, use_zip_chunks=True, chunk_size=None, task_assignee=None, job_assignees=None, job_reviewers=None, project_name=None, project_id=None, task_name=None, occluded_attr=None, group_id_attr=None, issue_tracker=None, organization=None, frame_start=None, frame_stop=None, frame_step=None, **kwargs): (source)
def email(self, value): (source)


def headers(self, value): (source)


def load_credentials(self, url=None, username=None, password=None, email=None, headers=None): (source)

Loads any necessary credentials from the given keyword arguments or the relevant FiftyOne config.

**kwargssubclass-specific credentials
def password(self, value): (source)


def username(self, value): (source)


chunk_size: None = (source)


frame_start: None = (source)


frame_step: None = (source)


frame_stop: None = (source)


group_id_attr: None = (source)


image_quality: 75 = (source)


issue_tracker: None = (source)


job_assignees: None = (source)


job_reviewers: None = (source)


occluded_attr: None = (source)


organization: None = (source)


project_id: None = (source)


project_name: None = (source)


segment_size: None = (source)


task_assignee: None = (source)


task_name: None = (source)


task_size: None = (source)



use_cache: True = (source)


use_zip_chunks: True = (source)







_headers = (source)


_password = (source)


_username = (source)
