class documentation

A tag in CVAT image format.

labelthe tag string
attributesa list of CVATAttribute instances
Class Method from_classification Creates a CVATImageTag from a fiftyone.core.labels.Classification.
Class Method from_tag_dict Creates a CVATImageTag from a <tag> tag of a CVAT image annotation XML file.
Method __init__ Undocumented
Method to_classification Returns a fiftyone.core.labels.Classification representation of the tag.
Instance Variable label Undocumented

Inherited from CVATImageAnno:

Instance Variable occluded Undocumented
Static Method _parse_anno_dict Undocumented
Static Method _parse_attributes Undocumented
Method _to_attributes Undocumented
def from_classification(cls, classification): (source)
def from_tag_dict(cls, d): (source)

Creates a CVATImageTag from a <tag> tag of a CVAT image annotation XML file.

da dict representation of a <tag> tag
a CVATImageTag
def __init__(self, label, attributes=None): (source)
def to_classification(self): (source)
