class documentation

Exporter that writes CVAT video datasets to disk.

See :ref:`this page <CVATVideoDataset-export>` for format details.

export_dirthe directory to write the export. This has no effect if data_path and labels_path are absolute paths

an optional parameter that enables explicit control over the location of the exported media. Can be any of the following:

  • a folder name like "data" or "data/" specifying a subfolder of export_dir in which to export the media
  • an absolute directory path in which to export the media. In this case, the export_dir has no effect on the location of the data
  • a JSON filename like "data.json" specifying the filename of the manifest file in export_dir generated when export_media is "manifest"
  • an absolute filepath specifying the location to write the JSON manifest file when export_media is "manifest". In this case, export_dir has no effect on the location of the data

If None, the default value of this parameter will be chosen based on the value of the export_media parameter


an optional parameter that enables explicit control over the location of the exported labels. Can be any of the following:

  • a folder name like "labels" or "labels/" specifying the location in export_dir in which to export the labels
  • an absolute filepath to which to export the labels. In this case, the export_dir has no effect on the location of the labels

If None, the labels will be exported into export_dir using the default folder name


controls how to export the raw media. The supported values are:

  • True: copy all media files into the output directory
  • False: don't export media
  • "move": move all media files into the output directory
  • "symlink": create symlinks to the media files in the output directory
  • "manifest": create a data.json in the output directory that maps UUIDs used in the labels files to the filepaths of the source media, rather than exporting the actual media

If None, the default value of this parameter will be chosen based on the value of the data_path parameter

rel_diran optional relative directory to strip from each input filepath to generate a unique identifier for each video. When exporting media, this identifier is joined with data_path to generate an output path for each exported video. This argument allows for populating nested subdirectories that match the shape of the input paths. The path is converted to an absolute path (if necessary) via
Method __init__ Undocumented
Method close Performs any necessary actions after the last sample has been exported.
Method export_sample Exports the given sample to the dataset.
Method log_collection Logs any relevant information about the fiftyone.core.collections.SampleCollection whose samples will be exported.
Method setup Performs any necessary setup before exporting the first sample in the dataset.
Instance Variable data_path Undocumented
Instance Variable export_media Undocumented
Instance Variable labels_path Undocumented
Instance Variable rel_dir Undocumented
Property frame_labels_cls The fiftyone.core.labels.Label class(es) that can be exported by this exporter at the frame-level.
Property label_cls The fiftyone.core.labels.Label class(es) that can be exported at the sample-level.
Property requires_video_metadata Whether this exporter requires fiftyone.core.metadata.VideoMetadata instances for each sample being exported.
Instance Variable _media_exporter Undocumented
Instance Variable _num_samples Undocumented
Instance Variable _task_labels Undocumented
Instance Variable _writer Undocumented

Inherited from DatasetExporter (via LabeledVideoDatasetExporter):

Method __enter__ Undocumented
Method __exit__ Undocumented

Inherited from ExportPathsMixin (via LabeledVideoDatasetExporter, DatasetExporter):

Static Method _parse_data_path Helper function that computes default values for the data_path and export_media parameters supported by many exporters.
Static Method _parse_labels_path Helper function that computes default values for the labels_path parameter supported by many exporters.
def __init__(self, export_dir=None, data_path=None, labels_path=None, export_media=None, rel_dir=None): (source)
def close(self, *args): (source)

Performs any necessary actions after the last sample has been exported.

This method is called when the exporter's context manager interface is exited, DatasetExporter.__exit__.

*argsthe arguments to DatasetExporter.__exit__
def export_sample(self, video_path, _, frames, metadata=None): (source)

Exports the given sample to the dataset.

video_paththe path to a video on disk
framesa dictionary mapping frame numbers to dictionaries that map field names to fiftyone.core.labels.Label instances, or None if the sample has no frame-level labels
metadata:Nonea fiftyone.core.metadata.VideoMetadata instance for the sample. Only required when requires_video_metadata is True
labelan instance of label_cls, or a dictionary mapping field names to fiftyone.core.labels.Label instances, or None if the sample has no sample-level labels
def log_collection(self, sample_collection): (source)

Logs any relevant information about the fiftyone.core.collections.SampleCollection whose samples will be exported.

Subclasses can optionally implement this method if their export format can record information such as the of the collection being exported.

By convention, this method must be optional; i.e., if it is not called before the first call to export_sample, then the exporter must make do without any information about the fiftyone.core.collections.SampleCollection (which may not be available, for example, if the samples being exported are not stored in a collection).

sample_collectionthe fiftyone.core.collections.SampleCollection whose samples will be exported
def setup(self): (source)

Performs any necessary setup before exporting the first sample in the dataset.

This method is called when the exporter's context manager interface is entered, DatasetExporter.__enter__.

data_path: None = (source)


export_media: None = (source)


labels_path: None = (source)



frame_labels_cls = (source)

The fiftyone.core.labels.Label class(es) that can be exported by this exporter at the frame-level.

This can be any of the following:

  • a fiftyone.core.labels.Label class. In this case, the exporter directly exports frame labels of this type
  • a list or tuple of fiftyone.core.labels.Label classes. In this case, the exporter can export a single frame label field of any of these types
  • a dict mapping keys to fiftyone.core.labels.Label classes. In this case, the exporter can export multiple frame label fields with value-types specified by this dictionary. Not all keys need be present in the exported frame labels
  • None. In this case, the exporter makes no guarantees about the frame labels that it can export

The fiftyone.core.labels.Label class(es) that can be exported at the sample-level.

This can be any of the following:

  • a fiftyone.core.labels.Label class. In this case, the exporter directly exports sample-level labels of this type
  • a list or tuple of fiftyone.core.labels.Label classes. In this case, the exporter can export a single sample-level label field of any of these types
  • a dict mapping keys to fiftyone.core.labels.Label classes. In this case, the exporter can export multiple label fields with value-types specified by this dictionary. Not all keys need be present in the exported sample-level labels
  • None. In this case, the exporter makes no guarantees about the sample-level labels that it can export
requires_video_metadata = (source)

Whether this exporter requires fiftyone.core.metadata.VideoMetadata instances for each sample being exported.

_media_exporter = (source)


_num_samples: int = (source)


_task_labels = (source)

