class documentation

A polyline in CVAT image format.

labelthe polyline label string
pointsa list of (x, y) pixel coordinates defining the vertices of the polyline
occludedwhether the polyline is occluded
attributesa list of CVATAttribute instances
Class Method from_polyline Creates a CVATImagePolyline from a fiftyone.core.labels.Polyline.
Class Method from_polyline_dict Creates a CVATImagePolyline from a <polyline> tag of a CVAT image annotation XML file.
Method __init__ Undocumented
Method to_polyline Returns a fiftyone.core.labels.Polyline representation of the polyline.
Instance Variable label Undocumented

Inherited from CVATImageAnno:

Static Method _parse_anno_dict Undocumented
Static Method _parse_attributes Undocumented
Method _to_attributes Undocumented

Inherited from HasCVATPoints (via CVATImageAnno):

Instance Variable points a list of (x, y) pixel coordinates defining points
Property points_str Undocumented
Static Method _parse_cvat_points_str Undocumented
Static Method _to_abs_points Undocumented
Static Method _to_cvat_points_str Undocumented
Static Method _to_rel_points Undocumented
def from_polyline(cls, polyline, metadata): (source)

Creates a CVATImagePolyline from a fiftyone.core.labels.Polyline.

If the fiftyone.core.labels.Polyline is composed of multiple shapes, one CVATImagePolyline per shape will be generated.

polylinea fiftyone.core.labels.Polyline
metadataa fiftyone.core.metadata.ImageMetadata for the image
a list of CVATImagePolyline instances
def from_polyline_dict(cls, d): (source)

Creates a CVATImagePolyline from a <polyline> tag of a CVAT image annotation XML file.

da dict representation of a <polyline> tag
a CVATImagePolyline
def __init__(self, label, points, occluded=None, attributes=None): (source)
def to_polyline(self, frame_size): (source)

Returns a fiftyone.core.labels.Polyline representation of the polyline.

frame_sizethe (width, height) of the image
a fiftyone.core.labels.Polyline
