class documentation

Open Images-style evaluation.

configa OpenImagesEvaluationConfig
Method __init__ Undocumented
Method evaluate Performs Open Images-style evaluation on the given image.
Method generate_results Generates aggregate evaluation results for the samples.

Inherited from DetectionEvaluation:

Method cleanup Cleans up the results of the run with the given key from the collection.
Method get_fields Gets the fields that were involved in the given run.
Method register_samples Registers the collection on which evaluation will be performed.
Method rename Performs any necessary operations required to rename this run's key.
Instance Variable gt_field Undocumented
Instance Variable pred_field Undocumented
Method _validate_run Subclass-specific validation when a run with the given key already exists.

Inherited from BaseEvaluationMethod (via DetectionEvaluation):

Method cleanup_custom_metrics Undocumented
Method compute_custom_metrics Undocumented
Method get_custom_metric_fields Undocumented
Method rename_custom_metrics Undocumented
Method _get_custom_metrics Undocumented

Inherited from EvaluationMethod (via DetectionEvaluation, BaseEvaluationMethod):

Class Method run_info_cls The BaseRunInfo class associated with this class.
Class Method _patch_function A function that can patch any ReferenceField issues with a dataset's runs.
Class Method _results_cache_field The fiftyone.core.dataset.Dataset field that stores the results cache for these runs.
Class Method _run_str A string to use when referring to these runs in log messages.
Class Method _runs_field The fiftyone.core.odm.dataset.DatasetDocument field in which these runs are stored.

Inherited from BaseRun (via DetectionEvaluation, BaseEvaluationMethod, EvaluationMethod):

Class Method delete_run Deletes the results associated with the given run key from the collection.
Class Method delete_runs Deletes all runs from the collection.
Class Method get_run_info Gets the BaseRunInfo for the given key on the collection.
Class Method has_cached_run_results Determines whether BaseRunResults for the given key are cached on the collection.
Class Method list_runs Returns the list of run keys on the given collection.
Class Method load_run_results Loads the BaseRunResults for the given key on the collection.
Class Method load_run_view Loads the fiftyone.core.view.DatasetView on which the specified run was performed.
Class Method save_run_info Saves the run information on the collection.
Class Method save_run_results Saves the run results on the collection.
Class Method update_run_config Updates the BaseRunConfig for the given run on the collection.
Class Method update_run_key Replaces the key for the given run with a new key.
Method ensure_requirements Ensures that any necessary packages to execute this run are installed.
Method ensure_usage_requirements Ensures that any necessary packages to use existing results for this run are installed.
Method register_run Registers a run of this method under the given key on the given collection.
Method validate_run Validates that the collection can accept this run.
Class Method _get_run_doc Undocumented
Class Method _get_run_docs Undocumented
Class Method _get_run_fields Undocumented
Method _validate_fields_match Undocumented

Inherited from Configurable (via DetectionEvaluation, BaseEvaluationMethod, EvaluationMethod, BaseRun):

Instance Variable config Undocumented
def evaluate(self, sample_or_frame, eval_key=None): (source)

Performs Open Images-style evaluation on the given image.

Predicted objects are matched to ground truth objects in descending order of confidence, with matches requiring a minimum IoU of self.config.iou.

The self.config.classwise parameter controls whether to only match objects with the same class label (True) or allow matches between classes (False).

If a ground truth object has its self.config.iscrowd attribute set, then the object can have multiple true positive predictions matched to it.

sample_or_framea fiftyone.core.sample.Sample or fiftyone.core.frame.Frame
eval_key:Nonethe evaluation key for this evaluation
a list of matched (gt_label, pred_label, iou, pred_confidence, gt_id, pred_id) tuples
def generate_results(self, samples, matches, eval_key=None, classes=None, missing=None, progress=None): (source)

Generates aggregate evaluation results for the samples.

This method generates precision and recall curves for the configured IoU at self.config.iou.

samplesa fiftyone.core.collections.SampleCollection
matchesa list of (gt_label, pred_label, iou, pred_confidence, gt_id, pred_id) matches. Either label can be None to indicate an unmatched object
eval_key:Nonethe evaluation key for this evaluation
classes:Nonethe list of possible classes. If not provided, the observed ground truth/predicted labels are used for results purposes
missing:Nonea missing label string. Any unmatched objects are given this label for results purposes
progress:Nonewhether to render a progress bar (True/False), use the default value fiftyone.config.show_progress_bars (None), or a progress callback function to invoke instead
a OpenImagesDetectionResults