class documentation

An action (currently supported only in a TableView).

namethe name of the action
labelthe label of the action
iconthe icon of the action
tooltipthe tooltip of the action
on_clickthe operator to execute when the action is clicked
Method __init__ Undocumented
Method clone Undocumented
Method to_json Undocumented
Instance Variable name Undocumented

Inherited from View:

Method kwargs_to_json Undocumented
Instance Variable caption Undocumented
Instance Variable component Undocumented
Instance Variable componentsProps Undocumented
Instance Variable container Undocumented
Instance Variable description Undocumented
Instance Variable placeholder Undocumented
Instance Variable read_only Undocumented
Instance Variable space Undocumented
Instance Variable _kwargs Undocumented
def __init__(self, name, **kwargs): (source)
def clone(self): (source)


def to_json(self): (source)

