class documentation

Displays a view target selector.


import fiftyone.operators.types as types

# in resolve_input
inputs = types.Object()
vt = inputs.view_target(ctx)
# or add the property directly
# vt = types.ViewTargetProperty(ctx)
# inputs.add_property("view_target", vt)
return types.Property(inputs)

# in execute()
target_view = ctx.target_view()
ctxthe fiftyone.operators.ExecutionContext
view_typethe type of view to use (RadioGroup or Dropdown)
Method __init__ Undocumented
Property options Undocumented
Instance Variable _options Undocumented

Inherited from Property:

Method to_json Undocumented
Instance Variable choices Undocumented
Instance Variable default Undocumented
Instance Variable error_message Undocumented
Instance Variable invalid Undocumented
Instance Variable on_change Undocumented
Instance Variable required Undocumented
Instance Variable type Undocumented
Instance Variable view Undocumented
def __init__(self, ctx, view_type=RadioGroup, **kwargs): (source)


_options = (source)
