module documentation

FiftyOne operator types.

Copyright 2017-2025, Voxel51, Inc.

Class Action An action (currently supported only in a TableView).
Class AlertView Displays an alert.
Class ArrowNavView Displays a floating navigation arrows.
Class AutocompleteView Displays an autocomplete input.
Class BaseType Base class for all types.
Class Boolean Represents a boolean.
Class Button Represents a button in a View.
Class ButtonGroupView Displays a group of buttons in a horizontal stack.
Class ButtonView Represents a button in a Button.
Class CheckboxView Displays a checkbox.
Class Choice Represents a choice in a Choices view.
Class Choices Represents a set of choices in a View.
Class CodeView Displays a code editor.
Class ColorView Displays a color picker.
Class Column A column in a TableView.
Class Container Represents a base container for a container types.
Class DashboardView Defines a Dashboard view.
Class DrawerView Renders an operator prompt as a left or right side drawer.
Class Dropdown Represents a set of choices in a View that are displayed as a dropdown.
Class DropdownView Displays a dropdown selector input.
Class Enum Represents an enum.
Class Error Represents an error in a View.
Class ErrorView Displays an error.
Class FieldView Displays a text input.
Class File Represents a file and related metadata for use with FileExplorerView.
Class FileExplorerView Displays a file explorer for interacting with files.
Class FileView Displays a file input.
Class Form A form view.
Class FrameLoaderView Utility for animating panel state based on the given timeline_name.
Class GridView Displays properties of an object as a grid of components in horizontal or vertical orientation.
Class Header Represents a header in a View.
Class HeaderView Displays a header component.
Class HiddenView Allows properties to be hidden from the user.
Class HStackView Displays properties of an object as a horizontal stack of components.
Class IconButtonView Represents a button in a View.
Class ImageView Displays an image.
Class InferredView Represents a view of a Property that is inferred from the data.
Class JSONView Displays a JSON viewer.
Class KeyValueView Displays a key-value editor.
Class LabelValueView Displays a label-value component. Used for displaying a label and a corresponding value.
Class LazyFieldView Displays a lazy text input which only apply input field changes on blur or when user clicks the save button within the field.
Class LinkView Displays a hyperlink.
Class List Represents a list.
Class ListView Displays a list of View instances.
Class LoadingView Displays a loading indicator.
Class Map Represents a map.
Class MapView Displays a key-value mapping.
Class MarkdownView Renders a markdown string as HTML.
Class MediaPlayerView Renders a media player for audio and video files.
Class MenuView Displays a menu of options in a vertical stack.
Class ModalView Represents a button in a View that opens up an interactive modal.
Class Notice Represents a notice in a View.
Class Number Represents a number.
Class Object Represents a JSON object.
Class ObjectView Displays an object component.
Class OneOf Represents a one-of type.
Class OneOfView Displays one of the given View instances.
Class OperatorExecutionButtonView Represents an operator execution button in a View.
Class OutlinedContainer Represents an elevated block for a view.
Class PaperContainer Represents an elevated block for a view.
Class PillBadgeView Displays a pill shaped badge.
Class Placement Represents the placement of an operator in the FiftyOne App.
Class Places The places available to operators in the FiftyOne App.
Class PlotlyView Displays a Plotly chart.
Class PrimitiveView Displays a primitive value component.
Class ProgressView Displays a progress bar.
Class PromptView Customizes how a prompt is rendered.
Class Property Represents a property on an fiftyone.operators.Operator.
Class RadioGroup Represents a set of choices in a View that are displayed as a radio group.
Class RadioView Displays a radio component for the given RadioGroup instance.
Class ReadOnlyView A read-only View.
Class SampleID Represents a fiftyone.core.samples.Sample ID.
Class SliderView Displays a slider component.
Class StatusButtonView Renders a status button.
Class String Represents a string.
Class Success Represents a success in a View.
Class SwitchView Displays a toggle switch.
Class TableView Displays a table.
Class TabsView Displays a tabbed view.
Class TagsView Displays a list of tags component.
Class TextFieldView Displays a text input.
Class TextView Displays a text. .. note:
Class TimelineView Represents a timeline for playing animations.
Class TimerView Supports a timer for executing operators/events after a specified duration or interval.
Class ToastView Displays a snackbar style toast element.
Class Tooltip A tooltip (currently supported only in a TableView).
Class Tree Represents a tree selection type. Examples:
Class TreeSelectionView Displays a tree selection checkbox groups.
Class Tuple Represents a tuple of types.
Class TupleView Displays a tuple of View instances.
Class UploadedFile Represents an object with uploaded file content and its metadata in properties.
Class View Represents a view of a Property.
Class ViewTargetOptions Represents the options for a ViewTargetProperty.
Class ViewTargetProperty Displays a view target selector.
Class Void Represents a void type.
Class VStackView Displays properties of an object as a vertical stack of components.
Class Warning Represents a warning in a View.
Function _convert_callables_to_operator_uris Undocumented
def _convert_callables_to_operator_uris(d): (source) ΒΆ
