class documentation

Displays a loading indicator.

texta label for the loading indicator
variantthe variant of the loading indicator
colorthe color of the loading indicator
sizethe size of the loading indicator
Method __init__ Undocumented

Inherited from ReadOnlyView:

Instance Variable read_only Undocumented

Inherited from View (via ReadOnlyView):

Method clone Undocumented
Method kwargs_to_json Undocumented
Method to_json Undocumented
Instance Variable caption Undocumented
Instance Variable component Undocumented
Instance Variable componentsProps Undocumented
Instance Variable container Undocumented
Instance Variable description Undocumented
Instance Variable label Undocumented
Instance Variable placeholder Undocumented
Instance Variable space Undocumented
Instance Variable _kwargs Undocumented
def __init__(self, **kwargs): (source) ΒΆ