class documentation

class File(Object): (source)

Constructor: File(**kwargs)

View In Hierarchy

Represents a file and related metadata for use with FileExplorerView.

Method __init__ Undocumented

Inherited from Object:

Method add_property Adds a property to the object.
Method arrow_nav Defines a floating navigation arrows as a ArrowNavView.
Method bool Defines a property on the object that is a boolean.
Method btn Defines a button or icon button to display to the user as a Button.
Method btn_group Defines a button group object.
Method clone Clones the definition of the object.
Method dashboard Defines a dashboard view as a View.
Method define_property Defines a property on the object.
Method enum Defines a property on the object that is an enum.
Method file Defines a property on the object that is a file.
Method float Defines a property on the object that is a float.
Method get_property Gets a property by name.
Method grid Defines a grid view as a View.
Method h_stack Defines a horizontal stack object.
Method img Defines an image to display to the user as a ImageView.
Method int Defines a property on the object that is an integer.
Method list Defines a property on the object that is a list.
Method map Defines a map property on the object.
Method md Defines a markdown object.
Method media_player Defines a media player object.
Method menu Defined an Object property that is displayed as a menu.
Method message Defines a message to display to the user as a Notice.
Method obj Defines a property on the object that is an object.
Method oneof Defines a one-of property on the object.
Method plot Defines an object property displayed as a plot.
Method str Defines a property on the object that is a string.
Method to_json Converts the object definition to JSON.
Method tree Defines a tree property on the object.
Method tuple Defines a tuple property on the object.
Method uploaded_file Defines a property on the object that is an uploaded file.
Method v_stack Defines a vertical stack object.
Method view Defines a view-only property.
Method view_target Defines a view target property.
Instance Variable properties Undocumented
Instance Variable root_view Undocumented
def __init__(self, **kwargs): (source) ΒΆ